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Meet Laura Hendrickson,
CEO of Healthy Wealth Club

We all have “traumas” of some shape or form growing up. Some of us create heightened sensitivities and some level of constant fear as we process these events or ongoing stresses.

This book was created because I've spent a majority of my life reading books, overcoming my own traumas and living through the ups and downs of life. As some of you are aware, coping is not always easy and some choices lead us into spaces, activities or substances that create even more drama or are simply not healthy for our minds, bodies or soul.

With a positive and hopeful mindset, I have made shifts from negative thoughts and behaviors to being better. I'm lucky I enjoy learning and have gotten through many challenges. Every day I choose to make shifts and work towards my goal of living an epic life and I'm sharing these insights with you. 

As a creative person, I enjoy coming up with ideas and this first book is all about simple ways to find some peace and make small shifts to feel better and begin your own journey. I look forward to sharing more through Healthy Wealth Club to inspire all to live their best life... an epic life!

In this book

About the Book

It’s begins with a vision

When life gives you lemons.... make lemonade!

When life gives you curveballs.... adapt, make shifts, cope, and find solutions. But, sometimes you need a different perspective. It may be challenging to break free from old habits or things that were imprinted on us as young children.

101 Ways to Feel Better is a jewel of ideas for getting into a new space, taking a moment to reflect, shift and just feel better no matter what is going on in life. This book is for people who need some new ideas for finding a bit of happiness in the midst of this stressful, high-pressure world we live in at the moment. Whether you are a teenager navigating parent & peer pressure, a college student or gen __ figuring out how to be an adult, a new parent overwhelmed with how to manage life and raising kids or you are in a mid-life crisis wanting a bit more balance and clarity on what to do in life, these ideas will support giving you ideas to take space and time, take a break and find a path to positive living.

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